Briggs is 8 yrs. old. He was baptized, May 30th, on his birthday, by his dad. What a special day. Where did the time go? He's growing up way to fast! It's sad, but also wonderful to watch him become an amazing kid. Briggs is our little protector. He is always watching out for his brothers and sister. Briggs is also quite the baseball player. He loves baseball. He decided he didn't want to play anything else, so he plays spring and fall ball. Briggs is very smart like his dad; therefore he is a know it all like his dad too. He is in Chess Club and in GEM. He loves them both! Briggs has always loved to be challenged so GEM has been great for him. He goes every Thursday and has a million brain teasers for me to figure out, when he gets home from school. He thinks it's more fun giving them to me, because unlike his dad, I can't figure them out. Briggs is an exceptional boy, and great big brother. He is always making us proud. He is very polite and is always trying to be the best he can be. We are so proud of our little man!
Brooke 7yrs old
Our little Princess
Brooke is the Princess in the family. I feel so blessed to have a little girl in the house. She wishes she had a sister to play with, but does play great with her brothers. She is in Gymnastics. She is really good too. She is on a 9 yr old advanced team, and as my husband would say she is dominating. She loves gymnastics, dance, the beach and animals. All kinds of animals from horses to creepy crawling things. She is always catching frogs, lizards, horn toads, worms, grasshoppers and anything else you can think of. Brooke is also my dirt magnent. If she goes out to play, she comes in looking like she rolled in the dirt. What can I say she plays hard. She is also quite the little reader and math wiz. Just like her brother, she takes after her dad too, what a relief. We are so thankful for our little princess. Especially me, I can't imagine being the only girl in the house. We always stick together!
Mason 5yrs old
Our Little Soccor Player
Mason is 4 years old and is our little "Player" Soccer player that is. He averages 4 goals a game. It really surprised us, because he is our little couch potato. He loves soccer, preschool, swimming, watching SpongeBob, and playing computer and video games. Mason is my sweet little love bug. He is always snuggling, hugging or giving me kisses. My favorite time with him is snuggling up on the couch and watching SpongeBob. He gets all the little jokes, so it's really fun to watch it with him. He loves his older brother and does everything he does. He's Briggs's little shadow. Which I think is adorable, but Briggs doesn't always feel that way. I think he sometimes feels like Mason is his little virus, rather than shadow. But over all they get along great. Mason is a sweet little boy. All of our friends just love him. He is so much fun and easy to love. Anyone that meets him, instantly falls in love. He is my little sweetheart.
Maddox 2yrs old
Our Little Guy
Maddox is our BABY. He was our little surprise! We thought we were finished having kids, but someone else had other plans. And we thank him everyday for our little gift from above. He is extremely boisterous, and is very tempermental. Needless to say we are counting down the days to nursery. He doesn't make it through many, actually any church meetings. He has definitely been my most challenging baby. But in turn he is full of personality. We have enjoyed him tremendously. He loves his brothers and especially his sister. He always wants her to hold him. It's funny to watch her carry him around, because he is almost as big as she is. Maddox has completed our family. I never felt a full completeness until after he was born. We are so blessed to have him and our other 3 angels.